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Koesio Corporate IT awarded SRRP Label (Suppliers Relations & Responsible Purchasing Label)

Koesio Corporate IT, already a signatory of the SRRP Charter since November 17th, 2023, has now been awarded the SRRP Label on January 9th, 2024. This recognition highlights the company’s commitment to responsible and ethical practices in its supplier relations.

A big step forward in our CSR approach

As a multi-brand reseller, Koesio Corporate IT has always worked with premium partners over the years to ensure responsible sourcing in its activities. Moreover, the company implemented a Code of Conduct, set a whistle-blowing system for the entire value chain and conducted annual assessment on CSR topics for its suppliers.


In 2012, the SRRP initiative was launched by the French government to provide guidance for companies willing to reinforce and assess their responsible procurement strategy. In this sense, it became natural for Koesio Corporate IT to opt-in the SRRP labelling to strengthen the overall CSR strategy.

In concrete terms, this commitment means that Koesio Corporate IT will :

  • Promote fair and balanced relations with suppliers
  • Encourage sustainable and environmentally friendly practices
  • Ensure total transparency in its purchasing processes
Valérie Larcher, Purchasing and Sales Director of Koesio Corporate IT
Valérie Larcher, Purchasing and Sales Director of Koesio Corporate IT
“This label highlights the work of Koesio Corporate IT employees in their relations with our suppliers. It rewards our collaborative, respectful and helpful exchanges on a daily basis. It also recognizes our commitment to responsible purchasing, minimizing environmental and social impacts, and reinforces our overall CSR approach.”

The first Digital Services Company (DSC) to obtain this label !

Beyond obtaining the label, Koesio Corporate IT becomes the first Digital Services Company (DSC) to receive this recognition within the community. This unique achievement distinguishes the company as a forward-thinking leader in the technology sector. It illustrates its ability to integrate responsible and ethical practices into the business model, and underlines its role in promoting a sustainable economy.

Koesio Corporate IT, le partenaire de tous vos projets numériques

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