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Icone de Koesio pour la métier de l'Informatique
Icone de Koesio pour l'Infrastructure Informatique | Informatique


Your choice of IT infrastructure will have a massive impact on the performance of your company.

IT is a key component of corporate productivity. A production tool in its own right, your company’s IT system must take a wide range of technology solutions into consideration in the interests of criticality.

Technological options for infrastructure

With the evolving nature of connection speeds and the digitalisation of applications, hybrid or cloud infrastructures provide far greater levels of flexibility and availability than 100% physical infrastructure. Yes we Cloud! The choice of infrastructure from these different IT philosophies will depend chiefly on 4 key questions, which we will work with you to address:

> Do you have the requisite skills and IT resources internally?
> What level of access to your IT infrastructure is needed for your business needs?
> What would the criticality of a computer outage be to your production line?
> What level of privacy is required for your data?

Data is the bedrock of your IT system – how your IT system is organised will depend on the technical choices you make. At Koesio, we will help you to evaluate the challenges facing you and to implement the most resilient and scalable IT infrastructure.

Servers and storage

Through solid partnerships with the major players from the world of IT (including manufacturers and software publishers), we will work to ensure that your IT infrastructure is durable and runs smoothly.

Infrastructure security

As part of our security-oriented approach, business recovery and continuity plans play a vital role when it comes to protecting your digital assets.

Inter-site connectivity

With the advent of flexible working and teleworking, we take inter-site connectivity into consideration so as to ensure that employees are able to access your IT infrastructure externally.

Connected hardware and equipment

Each individual component of your IT system plays an integral role in the security of your IT infrastructure. We will explore your infrastructure, networks, firewalls, software licences, workstations and user habits in order to decide on the changes to make together.

We will support you with the evolution of your infrastructure through an operational readiness contract

Operational readiness

Operational readiness This is targeted at small and medium-sized companies which lack the requisite internal resources or skills in certain areas, as well as major companies for handling part of their IT systems. Your IT system is the backbone of your business. A well-built, well-maintained and secure IT system will provide a solid framework for secure data use while meeting a growing need for flexibility on the part of your employees.

The purpose of operational readiness is to ensure that your IT infrastructure is always up and running, while allowing you to plan for the future. Operational readiness covers your entire IT fleet in terms of both corrective and proactive maintenance (infrastructure, networks, security and workstations).

Operational Account Manager

When you take out a managed services contract covering operational readiness for your IT system, you will be assigned an operational account manager, whose role it will be to act as an intermediary between your company and us.

They will be familiar with your IT system, your organisation and your needs, and will be kept abreast of any developments affecting you. Their duties will include overseeing, coordinating and controlling the measures which are implemented, in addition to communicating and reporting on them.

It will be their responsibility to ensure that we fulfil our commitments, supporting you with the development of your IT infrastructure and keeping a close eye on technology intelligence so as to anticipate any necessary changes.

Koesio vous aide à bien dimensionner vos serveurs d’entreprise

Systems (servers and storage devices) play a vital role in your IT infrastructure,

Systems (servers and storage devices) play a vital role in your IT infrastructure, enabling users and/or sites to share digital information with each other, while centralising administration, maintenance and backing-up. As such, choosing the right one is crucial.

A number of aspects need to be taken into account:
> How it will be used
> Configuration
> Format
> Mode of virtualisation
> Anticipated backup management
> Internal (LAN) and external (WAN, internet, MPLS) connections

We will use these criteria to help you to choose the right configuration for your IT infrastructure. We work with a range of different brands, including Dell, HPE and Lenovo, and have been certified by all of the major players in the world of IT. Any decision we make will be based solely on your requirements.

Your backup and security policy is a crucial component of your infrastructure

Data is a digital asset for your organisation, which is what makes backup and security solutions so important. When it comes to protecting your IT system, we recommend following the “3-2-1 Rule”/

3 copies: The first part of the rule is aimed at ensuring that data is kept in 3 copies: 1 original, 1 copy and 1 backup.

2 different types of media: in order to allow for any technical incidents preventing you from accessing one medium, you must create a backup on a different medium.

1 off-site location: if some accident should befall your storage space, you must have a second storage space sufficiently far enough away.

We will help you to devise and implement a backup and security policy that


Your data will be hosted at our data centres in France, the cloud providing flexibility, performance and security.

Tier III or Tier IV infrastructure, ensuring enhanced security for your data and servers

High levels of redundancy, ensuring optimal availability for your business applications

Secure premises and backed-up components to cope with any incidents

Fully encrypted data backup, limiting your vulnerability

La sécurité du réseau par Koesio

Protect your LAN/WAN network

Your IT network needs protection against the increasingly complex attacks plaguing the internet. But you no longer have to choose between security and performance when it comes to ensuring the viability of your network. Concerns around security and availability have put network security at the top of your priority list. With firewalls, MPLS, inter-site connectivity and flexible and remote working, access management is essential in order to protect your sensitive data.

From infrastructure to the cloud

IT infrastructure has kept pace with changes to how IT itself is used. The advent of virtualisation has enabled a transition from a “rigid and static” environment (1 service = 1 server) to “portable, versatile and redundant” infrastructure. Our ultra-secure data centres boast high levels of redundancy, ensuring permanent access to your data. You will be able to monitor your servers, software and data, with around-the-clock availability.

5 main features
> pay as you go
> ubiquitous network access to applications and data
> economy of scale by pooling the lower levels of the IT system
> permanent and instant elasticity
> a measured and controlled service

4 service models
> Infrastructure as a Service
> Software as a Service
> Platform as a Service
> Security as a Service

3 deployment models
> Public
> Private
> Hybrid

Mettre en place l'infrastructure au cloud avec Koesio

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