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Icone de Koesio pour le métier de Gestion & Datas
Icone de Koesio pour la business Intelligence | Gestion & Datas

Business intelligence for your company

Equip your business with high-performance decision-making tools

A Microsoft BI solution for every BI and Data problem

As a Microsoft BI partner and data expert, we can help you optimize your BI system and structure your company’s data. For several years now, data has been a major factor in value creation and decision-making. Data management takes on its full meaning and plays a key role in contributing to the development of SMEs.

Data integration

Data modeling

Data visualization & Reporting

Extranet BI

We are committed to working with you


Once your solution has been installed, our dedicated team provides daily support for BI tools. When your solution goes into production, the project manager holds an internal work meeting to inform the maintenance team of the characteristics of your project.


We offer comprehensive training sessions and hands-on exercises. Led by consultants who are experts in their field, these sessions enable you to become more autonomous in your use of the software. Our aim: to make you a champion in your field!

Dotez-vous des bons outils pour exploiter tout le potentiel de vos données avec Koesio

Equip yourself with the right tools to harness the full potential of your data

Companies are storing and accumulating more and more data. Everyone knows the importance of data and its vital role in corporate decision-making, but you need the right tools to analyze it!
By equipping yourself with the right decision-making system, you can speed up and improve decision-making, optimize internal processes, identify market trends and pinpoint problems to be solved.

Data integration with Koesio and Microsoft tools

The question of data integration raises the question of the usefulness of an ETL. The question is often asked in our discussions with the SMEs and SMIs we work with: “Why should I buy an ETL?

One of the main benefits is the durability of the BI system! The ETL is there to store, secure and historicalize the data in your information system. In the event of an ERP change, for example, your dashboards will continue to function with the new tools and to consult the history. On the other hand, if you’ve been querying your databases directly for reporting purposes, you’ll have to redo all your queries and dashboards.
The second major advantage of ETL is its ability to mix data sources. Its transformation power is widely recognized, particularly for flat files.

Microsoft BI offers several ETLs: Power BI, SSIS and Azure Data Factory.

Support from a BI solutions integrator

Faites confiance a sage avec Koesio

Quality maintenance

80% of tickets resolved within the hour
Faites confiance a sage avec Koesio

Software training

Remote or on-site training by certified instructors
Faites confiance a sage avec Koesio

Custom developments

For a customized, high-performance IS
Faites confiance a sage avec Koesio

Geographical proximity

Angers – Lyon – Nantes – Orléans
Structurez vos analyses avec du reporting RH et finance avec Koesio

Facilitate communication and collaboration around your data

Rethinking silo-based operations is one of the major challenges facing companies. Maintaining a “culture of silos” slows down the flow of information within teams, and consequently reduces performance. Sharing data enables your entire ecosystem to have the right information at the right time: communicate with your teams, exchange information more easily with your franchisees, get your customers more involved, easily inform your shareholders…

Need advice? Have a question? A project?

Our experts are committed to getting back to you within 24 hours, and remain at your disposal.
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