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Icone de Koesio pour le métier de Sécurité
Icone de Koesio pour la Sécurité des Utilisateurs | Sécurité


Tools to support your employees' mobility in complete safety

Your employees are increasingly mobile!

Yet many IT managers and executives are hesitant when it comes to mobility. And with good reason: providing access to the corporate network from outside the company requires extra security precautions to avoid taking any risks. But mobility is only accelerating, which is why we offer solutions tailored to the needs of your employees, whether they work from home or on the move.

Any structure handling confidential and/or sensitive data must be equipped with a high-performance security system. However, access to information must not be penalized.

All Koesio’s work is based on this equation: finding the perfect balance between continuous protection of your system and flexibility in your day-to-day processing. This is what our teams have been doing for over 25 years.

Remote access management

When you’re on the move a lot, you need to think carefully about the security of your information flows. Thanks to our secure remote connections, you benefit from access to your data, for instantaneous, responsive information.

Antispam and antivirus

The Web, harmful applications, phishing, viruses… These are all toxic elements for your information system. How can you protect yourself effectively? We offer anti-virus, anti-spam and firewall solutions.

PC encryption

In the event of data leakage or theft, encryption, which renders your content unreadable by a third party, helps protect your data and files.

Double authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires a minimum of 2 verification factors for each connection to your application. This is the most effective way of guaranteeing strong protection and reducing the risk of hacking.

Safety, essential to telework management

Supporting mobile working

The nomadic worker is by definition … nomadic! They can work in a shared office, at home or in a public place like a train, for example. Nomadism goes further than telecommuting, and requires reinforced security to avoid making your organization vulnerable. To prevent outsiders from accessing computer contents or carrying out fraudulent operations, there are several levels of authentication: reinforced and/or multi-factor. Here’s a brief overview of existing solutions.

The various authentications

RSA SecurID Windows Hello enhanced authentication on Windows 10 enables facial detection authentication that locks the workstation if the user isn’t in front of it. Multi-factor authentication is becoming increasingly widespread, as when you make an online purchase and need to validate the purchase on your banking app, this is the case with Watchguard’s AuthPoint solution. As confidentiality of your data is important, your laptops can be equipped with a SureView privacy filter from HP Inc. which makes the screen visible only to the person in line with the screen, and blurs visibility for “peripheral” vision.

Koesio vous aide pour la gestion des droits d’accès et chiffrement de vos données

Access rights management and data encryption

To fully control your data, encryption is essential, as it makes it unreadable in the event of data leakage or theft, and thus limits the impact.

Within your company, encryption is generally applied. But outside the company, this is not always the case, and solutions are available to encrypt data locally, regardless of the terminal’s location.

These solutions provide 2 levels of security:
> Data encryption at the point of storage, which does not prevent files from being shared between different people.
> Encryption of files for total protection: if a file is to be shared, access rights must be managed.

Managing access to your data is just as essential as encrypting it! It enables you to assign access rights to users or categories of users. The importance of these rights can also vary, depending on whether the user can modify or just read the data. Access is managed via the Active Directory (AD).

Remote office: RDS

Once your data has been encrypted and your access rights controlled, your employees need to be able to access their tools and the data they’re working on quickly and easily. For this, the remote desktop is the obvious solution. Your employees can log on from any fixed or mobile computer that has been set up to access the remote desktop, and return to their desktops as if they were logging on to their company applications and software.

For your employees, whether they’re on the move or telecommuting, the remote office is comfortable, since they have the same configuration as when they’re on your premises.

The main aim is to provide users with what they need to do their jobs properly, and for the company to ensure that access to its network is totally secure, so as to maintain maximum protection of its information system. We then set up the connection of the employee’s workstation to your network via a VPN, using an agent to establish a secure connection.

Koesio fait sécurité de votre infrastructure

30 000 %

increase in computer attacks since January 2020 (Source: Zscaler)

145 million

malware discovered in 2019 (source: AV-TEST)

39 seconds

Computers and networks are attacked every 39 seconds


Increase in phishing attempts in 2020 (source ANSSI)
Surfez couverts avec Koesio

Antispam and antivirus: Surf covered

Web adware, harmful applications, phishing, viruses and more. These are all elements that are toxic to your information system, and that proliferate on the Internet. They can paralyze an entire IT architecture, bringing production to a complete halt for an indefinite period.

How can you protect yourself effectively? We offer anti-malware (anti-virus, anti-spam) and firewall solutions.

Double authentication

For maximum security when accessing an application containing sensitive information, multi-factor authentication (MFA) is the most suitable solution. There are several ways to implement multi-factor authentication:
– a password or PIN code
– a badge, key or smartphone
– biometric data such as voice recognition or fingerprints

and you can then replace passwords with one or a combination of several of these authentications.

Our different solutions meet the needs of both small and medium-sized businesses, who are looking for an accessible solution that doesn’t impose too many constraints, and large companies, whose CISOs can modulate a number of parameters for extremely advanced security.

It is estimated that the risk of cybercrime is reduced by over 75% thanks to an MFA solution, and your users are now accustomed to these practices, which are increasingly present in their personal lives, particularly on social networks.

La double authentification avec Koesio

100% RGPD-compatible solutions!

All security tools that collect Data are RGPD compatible. Meet our IT security experts

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