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Business management
and managed services for your IT system

Develop and sustain your IT infrastructure to secure your business

New uses, new challenges for information systems

New uses, new challenges for information systems

Permanent access to data and user mobility have become commonplace expectations in the enterprise. In this context, finding the perfect balance between system security and data availability is now the challenge for any IT infrastructure.

Our infrastructure and cloud solutions allow you to benefit from permanent and efficient access to your information system in complete security, whether by sharing remote connections or hosting your applications in our datacenters, all located in France. After the operational implementation of these solutions, our teams are always at your side and accompany you on a daily basis in maintaining your IT in operational conditions. You can also choose to call on our services to take charge of all or part of your IS… and concentrate on your business. Our infrastructure and cloud solutions allow you to benefit from permanent and efficient access to your information system in complete security, whether by sharing remote connections or hosting your applications in our datacenters, all located in France. After the operational implementation of these solutions, our teams are always at your side and accompany you on a daily basis in maintaining your IT in operational conditions. You can also choose to call on our services to take charge of all or part of your IS… and concentrate on your business.

Cloud security, backup and disaster recovery solutions

Surround yourself with a team of experts to ensure the security of your Information System

Cloud software suite

Thinking about usage means participating in the optimization of perceived quality

Hybrid Cloud

Solve the equation combining IS security and IS availability

Builders / publishers

Optimize the infrastructure with a solution adapted to your needs

héberger vos données en toute sécurité

The user experience of your teams at the heart of your organization

Company productivity can be directly impacted by the availability of applications that are essential to the business and used daily by your employees. Thinking about usage is not only about the comfort of your teams’ work, it is also a way to participate in the efficiency and global performance of your business.

Information sharing and collaborative tools have become essential to improve the responsiveness of your employees and therefore the service provided. The key to the successful development of this type of solution? Focus on the user’s needs and the practical aspects of the tools.

Because today, it’s “simple”: everything must work all the time, everywhere and for everyone! Requirements in terms of availability but also performance and security … all, of course, within a controlled budget. Aware and experts of these stakes, Koesio accompanies you to develop, manage and make your IS evolve. 

IT : key figures

IT is a key component of productivity – our IT specialists provide support and advice aimed at helping your IT system to evolve and keeping it operational.


devices maintained


servers monitored


clients hosted




IT staff

Let an ESN, the number one partner for SMEs and local authorities, assist you with your IT projects

Koesio, through its acquisitions of IT companies, has become in 30 years a major ESN (Entreprise de Services du Numérique) of the IT business which covers today the whole value chain of the IT needs (computing, office automation, document processing, infrastructure, cloud, outsourcing, telecom, management application solutions and financing). This global positioning is the result of a historical development strategy based on sustained organic growth, combined with dynamic external growth that has enabled it to expand its services and integrate new skills.

Our experts in France, Belgium and Luxembourg are there to advise you with all your IT projects.

koesio entreprise de services du numérique

Any IT infrastructure requires constant monitoring

Maintenance in operational conditions covers all activities designed to guarantee the functioning of an IT environment throughout its lifetime.

  • Supervision and analysis
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Performance and capacity management
  • Preventive and proactive maintenance
  • Curative maintenance
  • Consulting

This service can be provided within the framework of a partial or complete delegation of the operation of your IS: you choose the level of support you want.

Learn more about the maintenance in operational conditions

Koesio participe au maintien en condition opérationnelle de votre infrastructure informatique

They trust us


A software suite


Communication tools/h3>

Be-Proactiv: our all-inclusive offer (hardware, software, service) for VSEs/SMEs

Be-ProActiv is an offer reserved for small and medium-sized companies that do not have in-house IT skills and that want comfort on a daily basis. It integrates the management and maintenance of your IT and the service to your users. With Be-Proactiv, it is very simple :

Koesio takes care of everything… for you!

  • A large choice of material 
  • Setting up your infrastructure (security, storage and backup, Internet access, print management, telephony management, access and user rights)
  • Outlook, word, excel, Office, One Note, Powerpoint, Teams (video conferencing)
  • Local support for configuration and installation, hotline, remote control, monitoring and cleaning of PCs, incident reporting…
  • A single point of contact for hardware, software, backups and maintenance

Be-Proactiv also offers IP telephony management without installation constraints, a Mobile offer to manage your fleet with subscription formulas adapted to your needs, the SDSL or fibre internet link to accelerate your company’s throughput

Don't wait to strengthen the security of your information system

More than 8 out of 10 companies have already been confronted with security problems*. Loss of productivity in case of unavailability, loss and/or theft of data… the consequences in case of a cyber attack can be catastrophic.
Our security experts can support and advise you in 6 essential areas:

  • Reduce IS vulnerability with proactive security
  • Define a backup and IRP policy
  • Reduce the security risks related to IS exposure on the Internet
  • Prepare to resume business quickly after a disaster or attack
  • Enable secure remote access for mobile users and telecommuters
  • Monitor and address vulnerabilities through a Security Operation Center (SOC)

*Source: Report on the security of French companies by Carbon Black


Do you want to upgrade or outsource your IT ? Equip your employees ? Reinforce the security of your IT infrastructure ?

We would be delighted to discuss the challenges facing your Information System.
AnnecyAuxerreAvignonBéziersBordeauxBourgesCaenGrenobleLe HavreLilleLimogesLyonMarseilleMontpellierNantesOrleansParisSaint-Etienne, … our IT companies meet your needs for IT services and maintenance.

Our experts will answer within 48 hours and are at your disposal.

Our experts will get back to you within 48 hours, and remain at your disposal.

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Do you have a project in mind?

Contact our experts


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